Because being a mum makes you tired all the time and it’s time for that to change.
Come join the Flat to Fabulous Framework. A 6 month 1:1 nutrition & lifestyle experience that’ll upgrade you from exhausted to energised.
*pleasure and ease included as standard
Your being pulled in so many different angles. It's your mental, physical, EVERYTHING energy.
I know what it’s like to feel shattered to your split core.
To feel like you’re stuck in a cycle of being constantly exhausted and fed up with not looking or feeling like yourself.
Your well-being is always last on the priority list, if it's on the list at all.
You want to feel like the best version of yourself, not the one that's hanging on by chipped fingernails.

How many of these sound familiar?
you’re the kind of exhausted that doesn’t go away no matter how much you sleep, the exhausted that you feel in your bones and means that you want to nap every day anywhere at 3pm
you’ll eat anything to give you a buzz of energy, but it’s making you feel rubbish, tired and impatient.
the only way you can see you’d be able to change how you nourish yourself is to clone yourself, ditch your job or ditch your children
you’re questioning if your hormones raging are the ‘normal’ post partum turbulence, is it peri menopause kicking off or a chaotic combination of both
you’re surviving on coffee, chocolate, toast, rice cakes and your small human’s gourmet, soggy leftovers
you’ve tried every diet in the book (and on the internet) and you’re still none the wiser on how to eat to fuel yourself up to feel & and look good
your relationship with food could be described ‘dysfunctional’; you want to get ease and food freedom around what you eat
your brain is foggy, tired no matter how much you sleep, you’re irritable, snappy, zero patience, moody and sex drive has driven off
you’ve got no idea what it feels like not to be tired anymore
you don’t know where to turn for help, don’t know where to start and don’t have the energy to figure it out
you’re conditioned to believe that neglecting yourself makes you a ‘good’ mum – that’ll be all of us then
Your lack of energy is impacting your work, your family life and how you feel about yourself
I get it. I know exactly where you are.
I’m going to to help you remember what it means to be you.
Wilma has a unique ability to empathise, validate but then move you on! Her energy and strength is contagious, leaving you feeling seen, heard and empowered. She is to the point, no bullshit – which opens up a space to very quickly be able to share honestly and trust her in return.

A 6 month 1:1 experience for the mum who feels tired all the time, to move you from exhausted to energised.
(Faff free zone as you want to start feeling better before the tiny humans leave home in 17 years, 2 months and 9 days — not that anyone’s counting!)
This is not a build-a-bear version of a nutrition plan. It’s a personalised programme that has you, your family, your health goals and your ambitions at its energetic core.

The framework is built on 4 overlapping phases that show you how to fuel up, because when you can power up your body, you can unlock your inner power to thrive.
This is structured support to give you ongoing help and accountability so that you step out from the shadows of motherhood and start feeling — and looking — fabulous so that you can be the woman you want to be.

This framework will give you the results you need; without adding anything else to your to do list.
Reclaiming your Motherloving energy to chase down a small human on a scooter and to chase down your life’s purpose cos you can have ambitions AND be a mother
Waking up feeling refreshed, revitalised and ready to rock the day, even if you’ve had interrupted sleep – it’s possible
Knowing what you need to do AND following through with it. No more getting on & off the wagon, starting over on another (Maniac) Monday or ‘trying to be good’ and then giving up
Food is a (green leafy) avenue to creating energy, feeling fabulous and healthy at every stage of your life not something that you restrict or punish yourself with
Easy periods that mean you don’t descend into an angry, spotty, bloated caricature PMSing version of yourself
You’ve created food freedom. You’re eating healthier overall but you’re not obsessing about it and you’re not filled with guilt and shame if you eat something ‘less healthy’ cos it’s all got a place on your plate and life – I mean can you imagine life without tiramisu?! I’d rather not, thanks
You aren’t grumpy, impatient, snarky, stressed out or shouty – well not all the time anyway. Instead you feel more in control of your moods and laundry basket.
You’ve found your ideal weight that works for you and your body. You get in the family pictures and feel happy about it. Imagine all the emotional and mental energy you’d free up not thinking about your weight?!
Digestion has improved which means no more unbuttoning trousers to sit down or looking 6 months pregnant after glancing at the bread basket
Your anxiety isn’t off the kitchen scales unmanageable cos you’re making food and life choices that ground your nervous system instead of encouraging it to take flight
Being an epic role model for your small humans. Not only around your relationship with food and your body, but also around prioritising themselves and their needs
All of this is possible for you now, not when the small humans leave home, when work isn’t so busy, when you’ve got the motivation/time/energy.
And it’s all possible without redesigning your entire life, taking 10 different supplements and eating kale (yes, kale is optional).
I’m here to make it as straightforward and simple as possible. My short simple nutrition and lifestyle solutions have pleasure and ease embedded at their core. After all, if we can’t enjoy the process, why bother?
My ulterior motive is I want you to know how good you can feel.
I know you’ve caught glimpses of it, we’re going to make them more permanent.
You’re going to approach looking after yourself and your energy that way you look after your small humans; with grace, understanding, patience, encouragement and a “you can do it” attitude.
It’s time to add yourself onto the priority list, step out from the shadows of motherhood and start feeling – and looking – fabulous so that you can be the woman & mother you want to be.

Let’s have a closer look at what happens in each phase of the Framework

How did I even get here?
Like a GPS, to get to where you want to go you need to know where you are and understand exactly what got you there.
Your history — all of it — holds the key to why you’re feeling the way you do now. It’s never “you’re a mum now “, there’s a reason for the tiredness, brain fog and overwhelm.
This first phase is all about gathering all the pieces of your health jigsaw from the minute you popped into this world, until right now.
My indepth health questionnaire will dig deep and get you listening to the messages your body’s sending you.

I just want to be healthy
Let’s get specific and intentional, we don’t have time to waste.
What does healthy really mean to you?
What would be different in your life?
How do you want to feel, every day?
In this phase you’ll craft a Health Vision that’ll give you intentional focus on where you want to go and it’ll give you a why strong enough to keep you going in the face of any toddler tantrum or self doubt.

The transformation happens in the doing
There’s this myth that nutrition protocols are all salad and no sugar; lets bust that myth. I’m not here to deny you joy in life. I’m here to make it as straightforward and simple as possible.
The implementation phase is a favourite as this is when you start feeling the changes. Plus, my short simple nutrition and lifestyle solutions have pleasure and ease embedded at their core.
After all, if we can’t enjoy the process, why bother?
The protocol is designed to fit into the life you have to create the life you want.
You’ll have my support and accountability at the end of Voxer (like WhatsApp for business).

It’s a lifestyle thing
How do you want to eat when you’re 85?
This final phase is all about embedding and future proofing so you know how to look after yourself no matter what the world and your kids throw at you.
This is now a way of nourishing yourself that you can do 365 days a year whether you’re at home, on holiday or helping your small human eating his broccoli.
You’re going to be one of those badass, bendy granny’s independent and zooming around doing what she like.
Embrace it.
Incase you’re wondering what makes me qualified to help you ditch the health guesswork, the Dr Google searches and the contradicting advice in your local Facebook group…..
Hello, I’m Wilma and I’m here to change the status quo, liberate you from the story that motherhood equals the demise of your health, ambitions and freedom.
I’m an ambitious modern woman (who happens to have reproduced).
A qualified (insured and regulated) Nutritional Therapist with:
- 7+ years nutrition experience
- 5+ years of keeping my tiny human fed, watered and loved
- 15 + years of managing large scale transformation programmes
Now I’m leading the most important transformations; transforming the way that us mothers see ourselves so that society can change the way that it sees us. Only then can we start reaching our full potential.
My bold and witty nutrition approach is focused on getting your energy from flat to fabulous by making small simple achievable changes that add pleasure and don’t eliminate fun and joy.
When I squished out my tiny human, the practical nutrition advice didn’t exist, so I’ve carefully and intentionally created it for us.
Whether your 6 months, 6 years or 16 years post tiny human, this framework is for you.
Disclaimer: I’m direct, honest and to the point. Plus, I’m funny, so while I’m guiding you to remember how amazing you are, we’re going to have fun at the same time.
You’re not going to spend another day not believing in yourself, thinking you’re not worth the effort or that your body is ‘just meant to feel this old and tired’.
Inside the Framework, you’ll get

- An initial 90 minute session to go through the detailed health questionnaire and the food & lifestyle diary you’ll have submitted before this session. You’ll leave with initial changes that you can make right away.
- Within 4 working days you’ll get your detailed nutrition protocol which will include all my nutrition, lifestyle and supplement recommendations
- To walk you through this protocol, we’ll have a 30 minute session.
- We’ll then have a total of 6 x 30 min zoom sessions (1 to be taken every 4 weeks) where I’ll be:
→ reviewing how you’re feeling, what’s improved, what needs tweaking and what follow up is needed
→ identifying any sticky areas that you need additional support on - We’ll wrap up with one final 60 minute zoom session where we’ll look at where you’re at now compared to where you started and I’ll make sure that you have everything you need for health longevity.
- A detailed Health Vision workbook designed to help you intentionally create the vision for the woman you want to be, physically, mentally an emotionally
- A habit tracker that’ll help you embed new habits
- A downloadable meal planner to help you get organised
- Ongoing support, Monday to Thursday, to help with accountability and to keep you moving towards your health vision
- Mind management tips intended to give you clarity when you need it
- Everything you need that’ll create a foundation for va va voom energy, now and in your rocking golden years
Wilma is the best cheerleader you will ever find. She listens and is so quick to be able to pinpoint issues and provide support. She made me feel confident and having her to be accountable to really helped me through the process.
“But Wilma, I’ve got no time, I’m wiped out and everything feels chaotic”
I hear you.
This framework isn’t going to provide with hacks or shortcuts that are aimed at helping you bust a gut or ‘bounce back’ (ugh that term).
It’s not about supporting your health so that you can push yourself to your limits.
It’s about, giving yourself the same love, care and attention that you’re giving everyone else.
Cos here’s the deal; there’s never been a time when YOUR health needs the most love, care and attention and no-one’s going to do the caring and nourishing for you (I wish I could, but I can’t chew your food for you.)
We can’t change the external circumstances we’re in, but we can work within them instead of waiting for them to change (when we’ll be frazzled and burnt out).
Sign up now and get
Initial 90 minute consultation
30 minute coaching calls, once a month
60 minute wrap up session
Q&A access via voxer (Mon - Thurs)
Detailed Health Vision Plan
Supplementation Recommendations
Kitchen Stocking guide
Meal structure & planning resources
Mind Management Tips
Cheerleading & Accountability
Your Sense of Self back
The Energy to do Whatever you Wantt
1. Choose a payment plan
2. Once payment is confirmed, you’ll get access to my calendar to book in your first session.
3. Keep an eye on your inbox for links to the health questionnaire and food & energy diary.
4. Get ready to find out how fabulous you can feel.

What clients who've gone through the Flat to Fabulous Framework have to say.....
From feeling lost, trapped in a body that she didn't recognise and living of rice cakes to prioritising herself, her sleep, her food and knowing that life 100% changing.
Where do I even begin. I felt completely lost, trapped in a body that I didn't recognise. I was a few months post partum with 2 toddlers aswell, running on no sleep and very little food. I had no energy to help myself, simply. I couldn't carry on that way.
I could go up to 3 days without sleeping and I was surviving on rice cakes and biscuits. My anxiety was through the roof and my nervous system was on overload. I was so close to burn out.
I felt trapped in a body I no longer recognised as my own and I didn't have time time or energy to work through that.
After working with Wilma my life has 100% changed.
I prioritise my sleep, I have a bed time routine. I eat proper meals now and actually sit at the table with my family instead of using that time to tidy or stick a wash on etc.
I learned to prioritise myself and see how valuable I was. I used to think of myself as the glue that held my family together, but I'm part of the family. I'm not the glue.
I'm worth having just as much attention and care as my kids or my husband.
This program showed me how important it was to nourish and look after myself and that's something that'll stay with me forever and I'll pass on to my kids.
Talking with Wilma was like talking to a friend. She understood me before she'd even met me. She was understanding of where I was, gentle with me but told me what I needed to do and that's exactly what I needed at that stage in my life.
I prioritise myself. And although I learned so much from Wilma, this is the thing I will carry with me forever.
From exhausted with terrible energy and stuck in a cycle of needing sugar to being more in tune with her body with consistent energy, to the benefit of her and her small humans.
I was an exhausted mum of 2 who had had a couple of big life events that were not great. My energy levels were terrible and I was stuck in a cycle of being exhausted and needing sugar. I had brain fog and was frustrated at not being able to be present with my kids as I was so shattered.
In short I felt dysfunctional! I wanted a better understanding of how to feel better and to not crash out so much.
I feel so much more in tune with my body, with whether I’m hungry or just bored and what foods best suit the situations I find myself in in order to support my mood and energy. I no longer crash out every day at 3pm and my energy levels are consistently higher - I would never have thought this was achievable!
Wilma is the best cheerleader you will ever find. She listens and is so quick to be able to pinpoint issues and provide support. She made me feel confident and having her to be accountable to really helped me through the process. She’s straight talking and kind and left me with a mini Wilma voice encouraging me to take no nonsense and be compassionate to myself.
Wilma is nothing short of a legend in my opinion - if I could have a mini version of her in my handbag I would! She’s a cheerleader and fierce advocate for building you up.
If you had told me I would finish this process clued up on what to eat to not feel exhausted at the same time everyday, and to be so much more in tune to myself I’d have been gobsmacked. I’m much more compassionate about my relationship with food and more imaginative in what I eat.
My kids and brain benefit from me no longer having fog and being so much more energetic. Thanks so much Wilma
From feeling 'lost', exhausted, overwhelmed and barely feeding herself to a much happier person with balanced energy to do all the things.
Before I began working with Wilma I felt lost. I wasn't 'me' anymore. I felt exhausted, both mentally and physically, and I knew something had to change. I just wasn't sure where to start - it felt overwhelming even to think about it.
I felt tired all the time and didn't have the energy to focus on myself at all. My children, husband, home and business were the areas that got my attention and I came a distant 5th at best. My relationship with my husband was suffering and I could feel myself becoming resentful of his ability to focus on work and the family but also make enough time for himself and his hobbies. I realised I had no hobbies. On the most basic level, I was barely finding time to feed myself and this meant that I wasn't getting the right energy into my body. I would snack throughout the day and had serious peeks and troughs with my energy levels
Working with Wilma was a a real 'whole life' experience for me. She felt like a friend to whom I could talk openly and honestly, without judgement. She'd experienced my problems and so could easily relate and help me to put manageable steps in place that really made a big difference.
Making a few changes to my diet meant that my energy levels are more balanced throughout the day. We discussed a good bedtime routine so that I have a proper wind down before bed and get enough sleep.
We looked at ways that I could get more time for myself without feeling that other aspects of my life were suffering. since working with her I've made more time for friends, I'm a much happier person with the energy to do all of these things.
Wilma was the perfect person to help me. She is open, friendly, warm and funny! The sessions with her were relaxed and, as I mentioned, just like chatting with a friend. From the outset, I felt completely comfortable with her and that is her very special gift.
She is like a breath of fresh air and totally lifted the weight off my shoulders that I felt had been weighing me down for such a long time. She is not judgemental, but will also tell you what you need to hear. She won't tell you to take all the nice bits out of your diet - instead, she'll help you to balance your plate so that you are getting everything you need, including the sweet stuff!
From a lifetime of bad habits with erratic moods and energy to understanding what her body is telling her and finding pleasure in taking care of herself
Erratic moods & energy levels inhibited my ability to perform consistently at work and at home. I found I often didn't have the stamina to get through the day. I have a lifetime of bad habits to continue to fight against.
Working with Wilma was the lifeline I needed to pull myself out of the mire.
I had been consistently unwell for months (years) after having my children and a huge amount of apathy had been established over my personal well-being. Nothing can change when there is a feeling of powerlessness. With Wilma’s help, I was able to exert some control over my health and take time to consider where changes to my habits would be beneficial.
She was supportive, professional and informative and I felt she could completely relate to me and the precarious balancing of my children’s needs with my own.
I particularly thrived off her energy when I was feeling low and used that as a catalyst to keep moving forward.
I have learned a lot over the weeks and I am more considerate of my health and more accountable too.
In the past where I neglected my diet, I now feel I want to understand what my body is telling me and respond positively. Aside from feeling virtuous when I have a good day, I also find that I experience pleasure in taking care to look after me too. A gorgeous smoothie or a nice wholesome meal sets me up for the next one and it’s a feel-good act which drives self-care onwards.
I thoroughly recommend Wilma. It has been an invaluable learning experience for me.
From a constant state of exhaustion and overwhelm to trusting her body, listening in and giving it what it needs
I was feeling helplessly exhausted all the time. I knew I needed to make some dietary changes, but felt like I needed support to do this in a way that didn't feed into diet culture and negative eating patterns/thought cycles I had experienced before. I felt constantly in a state of exhaustion and overwhelm. I felt like I was failing myself and my kids and missing out on vital parts of life. I had an idea of what I wanted, but felt incapable of getting there.
Wilma has a unique ability to empathise, validate but then move you on! Her energy and strength is contagious, leaving you feeling seen, heard and empowered. She is to the point, no bullshit - which opens up a space to very quickly be able to share honestly and trust her in return. Her vast knowledge and down to earth vibe made her the perfect person for me to work with.
Working with Wilma has been the first step in what, for me, will be an on-going journey away from diet culture back towards trusting myself and my body. I think before I started I secretly hoped for a magic solution to the exhaustion and body hate. Instead what I got was an invitation to tune in, listen, learn and tweak. Which was pretty magical in itself! I feel so much more empowered to give myself what I need. Wilma has picked me up off the floor of exhaustion and overwhelm and given me the tools to keeping taking steps forward - whatever that looks like on any given day. I never doubted her skill, knowledge or care. She went above and beyond on a few occasions to support me and I'm so grateful.
I’ve been reading your mind.
The A’s to the Q’s that you might have before making our relationship official.
Any other questions burning a hole in your gut. Hit me up here and I’ll soothe that burning.
Why is the programme 6 months?
After working with clients for the past 6 + years, those women that have had the most benefit have had multiple consultations. This framework is pulling all I know into the most effective way or working for you.
Working together over many months mean that there's time to embed the changes. make any adjustments and see exactly how you're body responds.
Do you do one-off consultations?
No I don't, one consultation is never going to have an impact on your health as I need to assess how you're doing with changes I recommend. There'll always be a need to tweak and make sure that these changes become new habits, that'll never happen in one consultation.
If you are a returning client, then please contact me directly as I have ongoing support packages available.
Do you offer refunds
No I don't. Once the first paymemt is processed the commitment is made from both of us to show up.
How soon will I see results?
All depends.
Some people will start to see improvements in the first few days, some longer. Remember, we're probably undoing years of issues and that won't be undone overnight.
Things will improve though, all takes time.
I'm so tired, how will I get the energy to start?
Start small, really small.
My speciality is giving your energy an upgrade and that all starts with a tiny spark.
Is this just for mum's with new small humans?
No. Your post natal for life not just for 6 weeks till your Dr check up or for the fourth trimester.
Whether your child is 6 months, 6 months, or 16 years the Flat to Fabulous Framework is for you.
Where do the sessions take place
All sessions take place over Zoom (I know, zoom fatigue is real but I make it fun and like chatting with a friend who asks about your poop).
You'll be sent all the details with your initial booking.
When does the 6 month time frame start?
Your 6 months starts from your first session not from when you make payment as I know there can be a gap getting suitable space in my diary to start.
Sessions will expire after 6 months, unless we've agreed otherwise.
Please note: All sessions need to be taken within the 6 months or additional charges will apply unless we've agreed beforehand.
What makes you qualified to give advice?
Good question. I’m always asking that question when I see people dishing out advice.
I qualified as a nutritional therapist from the College of Naturopathic Medicine in 2014. I’m fully insured and also a member of Naturopathic Nutrition Association (NNA). This means that I abide by their code of conduct when working with clients.
I'm also mummy to a 6 year old. Before having my tiny human, I was very naïve about what motherhood involved and the physical, emotional and mental impact it can have on you.
I’m in the motherhood trenches with you. I now know that the generic wellness advice trotted out doesn’t and can’t apply.
Our unique circumstances mean that we need unique solutions.
I’ll be straight with you, in the nicest possible way.
How do I know this is right for me?
Few questions to ask yourself
Do I like the sound of Wilma or is she annoying?
Am I tired and over people telling me that being burnt out is normal with tiny humans?
Am I overwhelmed with the sheer volume of conflicting advice that's out there?
Are you ready to make changes but you have no idea where to start and don't trust yourself to stick to it?
Am I ready to make some changes that are going to make me even more awesome?
Am I over trying to guess what's going on?
Do I want not to be stressing over what I put on my plate?
Do I want to feel and look good in this phase (and all phases) of my life?
Anything you're unsure of anything related to the Flat to Fabulous framework, hit me up on wilma[at]maverickmotherhood[dot]co and I'll happily answer any and all questions.
Is this another stressful thing added my to-do list?
No. You need to eat and drink anyway so might as well eat, drink and feel fabulous.
I always make recommendations based on the life you have you to create the life you want.
Changes can be as small as you want and in the wise words of Bruce Springsteen "from small things, big things one day come".
Will I be giving up all the foods I love?
Tricky one to answer as all depends on what foods you love and if they love you back.
This is something we’ll go into during your sessions. I will say that pleasure is integral to your MotherLoving energy levels.
What gives your pleasure has a place in your life and on your plate
Do I need to be a good cook/love cooking for this to work?
I'm not here to turn you into a gourmet plant based chef. I'm not going to give you meal plans. I do give you a few recpies to get started with.
The aim is to show you how to eat that'll support you, replenish depleted nutrients, bring your body back into balance and upgrade your energy. It needs to fit in with you life.
Often its more about how you assemble food.
Cooking at home is recommended and I'm a fan of all the shortcuts.
What guarantee do you offer?
I don't.
I can never gurantee what results you'll achieve as I'm not there to feed you or eat your food for you.
The results all depend on what action you take, consistently.
Are supplements included in the cost?
Any supplements I recommend need to bought at additonal cost.
I have a food first approach so will always keep supplements to a minimum. They can be an excellent addition if taken properly.
I do get a small commission when you buy supplements, this will never influence my decision on what supplements to recommend.
Are you a mum, there's no small human pictures?
I squished my tiny human out in June 2017. Its a conscious decision not to have pictures of him on my website plus he's not given me permission. He pops up on insta stories every now and then.